Written by: Chris Lynch
Pages: 288
Releases to the public:
September 2nd, 2008
My rating 1-5 stars:
3 stars
Jock is a regular, well-adjusted guy, except for one thing: His family is a bunch of freaks. They’re lovable freaks, but freaks all the same, and he’s spending the whole summer with them at his grandfather’s golf course. Although Jock’s devil of a younger brother, Egon, is plotting his early demise, his grandfather has lost more than just a few of his marbles, and the town’s biggest bullies are out to pound him, Jock’s summer is still planning out to be two sweet long months of freedom. That is, of course, until some trouble making visitors arrive with the Big Game of Everything and leave Jock to figure out all the rules.
I was somewhat disappointed with this book. It is supposed to be humorous, but for some reason it isn’t. It could have been made a funnier book. And in the first 150 pages I wasn’t sure where it was leading too and what the story was about. And the ending was a disappointment, it seem rushed. That was the bad parts about it. The good parts were that it had a great moral to it. The moral was that happiness doesn’t come from things you own but from your family. I also liked the fact that the main character’s family was sort of on the weird side but they love each other all the same. I would recommend this book to some teens, which would like to read it and get the moral out of the book, not for the ‘humor’ in it.
I'm a reviewer for Harpercollins and I abolutely loved this book as did my family
Teaching Youth moral from a book has to be one of the more clever ideas invented. I'll have to check this book out, I'm sure my oldest daughter would love it. Right now, her and I are both reading "Elija's Coin" by Steve O'Brien. Elijah's Coin clarifies what it means to be successful. It should be required reading for all young people. It should be required reading for ALL people.
This book shows some of the best and worst sides of human nature, and love the crazy characters in this family Anyway, if you have time, take a visit to my Free Games website.
the book is full with unusual facts, in first place all the family is a total freak, the main character is a freak, well the author must be a freak.
Jock is looking forward to two blissful summer months helping out at his grandfather's 13-hole golf complex, but his oddball family members have plans of their own. Jock's devilish younger brother Egon, id to Jock's superego, just wants to get rich; his sister Meredith just wants to make out with her boyfriend; his parents are sweet but generally clueless hippies; and his Grampus, despite the golf complex, isn't happy with what he has.
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