Written by: Stephanie Kuehnert
Pages: 340
My rating 1-5 Stars:
5 Stars
When Emily Black was just four months old her mother left her and her dad to follow punk rock. Now Emily is in High School and she is starting a punk rock band of her own with her best friend Regan. She sings and writes the songs with Regan, who is the drummer, and Tom the bass player. They finally get to play at River’s Edge, the place where punk rock lovers hang out while watching small town bands rock the stage and also the same stage that Louisa, Emily’s mom, saw Emily’s dad play for the first time. Everyone loves her lyrics and sound but they don’t know the real reason that is behind the word that Emily sings. She hopes that one day her mother will follow the music right back to her and her dad.
This was one cool book. I Wanna Be Your Joey Ramone is probably on of the most down-to-earth books I have ever read. It isn’t full of fairytales and other. Stephanie did a great job of making the book very realistic. The plot was also great, sometimes something would happen that I never suspected but then there were times when something would happen that I knew was going to happen. Which in some books I don’t’ like figuring out what is going to happen but I didn’t mind it at all in this book. The characters in this book were stupendous; they all had their flaws, which is great because in life everyone has flaws. I also enjoyed how big of a part music plays in the story. Which is probably because I am a big fan of rock but I think every one who reads this book will be able to envision Emily rocking out on the stage, like I did. I also introduced to some great rock bands while reading the wonderful story. I recommend this book to every teen out there, especially if you like listening to rock bands. Also some adults might enjoy the story too.
~*~ I do not recommend this book to anyone under the age of 15 due to drugs, language, and other themes in the book. ~*~
wooot! I'm 15! I definately have to read this book as soon as possible!
Great review =D
I'm reading this book right now, and am loving it. It's really down to earth, as you said. Great review!
Amanda- You should read it.It is a great read!
Liv- I am glad you are enjoying it~
I've got this one on my pile but haven't read it yet. Thanks for the warning about content. I will put it on my high school shelf and not with my middle school stuff.
This is a fantastic book- glad you enjoyed it too! :) Great review!
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