Thursday, June 19, 2008


"Some friends fade away....Others disappear."

written by: Jennifer Bradbury

pages: 242

my rating 1-5 stars:

4 stars

Christopher Collins just graduated from High School. His mom wants him to get a summer job just like everyone else but Chris has bigger plans for the summer. Him and his best friend, Win, are going to ride their bikes all the way from West Virginia to Seattle, where Win's uncle lives. When their parents somewhat say yes, they get packed to leave right after they graduate.
The trip starts off great. When they can't find a legal campground they scamp. Which is when they camp on someone's property with out permission. They even start a game where they have to swim in the next body of water they pass, and it doesn't matter if it's a clean lake or sewage. Everything is going goo until, Win abandons Chris when he gets a flat. Chris is pissed off.
Chris starts college, no word form Win yet. Win's parents don't even know where he is. Chris's world shifts as the FBI starts asking questions, and Win's dad starts blaming Chris for the disappearance of his son.

This was a great book. Jennifer Bradbury kept me attached to every page until the last one.  I really like the way she wrote the book with every other chapter a flash back to the trip. I kept trying to guess the ending but I never got it right. I really liked the ending, it answered all my questions and it doesn't leave you hanging. 
This book is full of laughter, but it also has a lot of serious situations. Shift deals with friends, love, and self-discovery. Shift is an amazing book and I recommend it to every one! 


Carolina said...

This book looks really good. I really want to read it.

RR2 said...